15 Years Married

15 years of dancing with this man.

We’re still learning our rhythms.

I still step on his toes.

He still drops me.

I still drive him crazy.

He still sweeps me off my feet.

Only now it’s that much sweeter.

So much deeper.

Way more tender.

Loads more gracious.

Incredibly forgiving.

With so much more understanding.

And it’s a hell of lot more fun.

So much easier.

Way more free.

We both know who we are now, and living true to ourselves creates incredible new levels of pursuit and polarity.

Our connection is saturated in desire and also in history.

Our intimacy is richer than we ever dreamed of experiencing.

Our love is like magic, constantly blowing us away with how it heals and what it can create.

This bond is bigger than us.

Our union an eternal one.

Cheers to 15 my love.

This dance has only just begun.