Be Like a Child

Children are born free, kind, curious open, loving, and delighting in the world around them. No one has to teach them to live from their senses, to move their bodies daily, to play, giggle, explore or to trust.

They innately ask straight forward questions, and give raw real honest responses. They live without filters, fears, worry and anxiety. They say what they feel and ask for what they want. They express and release their emotions daily.

They live vulnerably and authentically, until they are programmed to stop. Until they are told enough times to be quiet, to not touch, to not ask, to not cry, to not be loud, upset, silly or playful, not now.

They live with the carefree confidence of being just who they are until the programming begins. The rejection. The shame. Don’t do that, don’t be that way. Be this way. That was wrong, you were bad, the judgements go on and on until at some level they resign to conformity.

Slowly their light and innocence dims, as they subscribe to the programming and lies.

Slowly they forget. Slowly they grow up.

Most adults are walking around shut down and wounded. Disconnected from their hearts, their bodies and their senses. They ignore or discredit their own curiosity’s and desires. They distrust themselves and others. They stop exploring, playing and only use their imaginations to create projections and stories in their minds.

They live within the walls of self protection they have built around them.
Can you relate?

The way I see it is we have two choices. We can choose to slowly die in our boxes, or we can choose to heal and bust the hell out.