Day dream
I remember being a little girl and dreaming of being a Mother, and having rad kids who I loved being with.
I dreamed of being a wife, madly in love with my husband and our life.
I now understand the power of our imagination and our ability to impress upon the subconscious what it is we want to experience.
As children we do this instinctively.
We naturally day dream about what we want to be and do when we grow up.
Although most of us forget this practice as we age, we can re engage this part of our brain by practicing consciously directing our awareness.
Imagine how you want to feel.
Imagine what it is you want to experience and create.
Now go play a grown up version of dress up.
As you do you train your subconscious to embody the desire.
So this is your permission slip to go
day dream.
To use your imagination in a sacred and intentional ways everyday.