Don’t give up

Having him home full time has been
sooooooo good for my soul.

For all five of us.

Once upon a time our full days together only included the weekends.

Eventually we added Fridays and then Mondays.

Now we get to include Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays too.

Don’t give up on your dreams my friends.

This one has been in the making for over a decade.

When we align our beliefs and actions with our highest vision for our life, this is when the magic begins to happen.

Just like the body, it doesn’t work if we are out of alignment.

Our vision was built on our deepest desires and core values.

And lots of adjusting along the way.

Now we get the joy of helping others to do the same.

Work hard.

Stay humble, and respect the process.

The qualities and characteristics you need to sustain real success are built along the way.

Bobby Fano