How over what

What you do with your life is way less important than how you do it.

We have lived in the most incredible spots, gone on the most epic adventures, and taken most amazing trips. We can eat and buy most anything we please. All of these external things will continue to increase but they are not the main thing. They are simply the icing on the cake.

Last night as we sang Johnny Swim to the top of our lungs in the bathroom, and snuggled and read books to one another in bed we all agreed, this is where it’s at, this is the main thing.

Doing and having anything and everything I want is not my goal.

For me, “living my dreams” is about experiencing new levels of love, depth, connection, and intimacy.
All the fun things that follow on the outside are just the fruit of what’s happening on the inside.

This morning I’m prepping for my group clients and this months topic is money.

Rather than teaching them how to make, save or invest their dollars, I am teaching them how to embody and steward an abundance mindset. I believe anyone can strive to get rich, but true wealth is an inside job. Real freedom and fulfillment follow living in abundance and alignment from the inside out.

Bobby Fano