How to handle your heaviness

A client asked me this week how I keep my joy on in the midst of the all the heavy things happening in the world. My answer. -By staying balanced. I will not live oblivious, but I will also not stop living in delight even in the midst of all the darkness.

I stay in my pleasure.

I stay in my turn on.

I stay in my body.

I refresh myself everyday, and reset and recenter my energy to align with my reality, which is a very stark contrast to that of most of the world.

I will not let the heaviness consume me rather I will use it to become my fuel and motivation for living in even greater enjoyment and intentionality.

I fill my days with things I love, the things raise my vibration internally.

More than ever we most stay in our power which comes from being in our pleasure. How can you weave more delight into your everyday?

Bobby Fano