Love Where You Live
Where do you feel the most alive? When do you feel the most peace? What are the places, spaces, and activities that you feel pulled to?
Do you reserve that pull for the weekends or week of vacation once or twice a year? How would your life be different if you lived in the place where you are felt the most alive, and did the things that brought you the most peace and joy daily? Realigning our lives with our core values and desires is what I call lifestyle design. It is a beautiful journey of self discovery, awareness, courage and growth. When our lives our in alignment it brings incredible flow fulfillment and satisfaction.
Not only do I love helping others design their lives but I’m always redefining and re aligning my own. Each season brings new energy for new opportunities. When your connected to your intuition and tuned into your desires you will find the grace, guidance, and support needed on the path you are meant to follow.