
Momentum. How do you get it? In your marriage, your relationships, your health, your body, your sex life, your finances, career, in living your dreams, where do you start?

This is one of my favorite topics, because I crave and love momentum in life. The cool thing is although it doesn’t happen on its own, it also doesn’t have to wait! You don’t need more time, money, education, healing, process, a complicated plan, or another excuse to grow. It just takes one step.

Today. Right now. In whatever area you want forward movement in, just take action. Make the move. Go on the jog, choose the salad, write someone a love note. Pursue the relationship that needs effort. Put your coffee money in a savings account. Take one step of action wherever you want change in your life everyday, and it will gain momentum and grow everyday! It’s that simple. Really it is.

I have been applying this truth it in my own life over the last few years and it has been so fun to watch the momentum grow.

I haven been so inspired the last few weeks I have been doubling my effort in the areas I want to see grow faster, and to no surprise the momentum and growth has has come twice as much and fast.

So, if you need some motivation and encouragement today in creating the life of your dreams, I promise it’s not out of reach and does not have to feel overwhelming. You can start right now, and you have the wisdom and answers you need to know just what to do, already inside of you!