Natures Remedy

The water has been extra sparkly and enticing the last couple days. 

I imagine we would be two if we basked under the light of the full moon all night.

In our culture we underestimate the power of nature for healing, nourishment and rejuvenation.

We’re looking for a quick fix, so we head to a box or bottle when the solutions we need are often inside of us and around us, and totally free.

We over complicate and over think most things.

The power of nature, movement, play and pleasure can remedy just about anything.

The key is consistency.

Creating a lifestyle where delight is weaved through our everyday.

How much do you play?

How often are you in your pleasure?

How much time do you spend outside?

How much time do you nourish your inside?

These are the questions and homework I give my clients from the beginning.

I wonder what might happen if our doctors were asking and giving similar questions and “prescriptions.”

Serotonin, oxytocin, dopamine and endorphins are incredibly powerful and potent remedies.