Open Books
People often ask me how much we share with our kids, especially on the harder subjects. My answer has always been the same. We are open books with them. We believe it is our job to educate, guide and nurture our children in every area of life.
We never want them to feel that certain topics, or any emotions are off limit. If they cannot live vulnerably with us, where will they?
Although age plays a role in what’s appropriate, we are more concerned with being the first voice that they hear and learn from. Now more than ever must be proactive and in regular dialogue with our kids. It is more harmful to stay silent in hopes for their innocence than to inform and educate them. When they ask a questions we always answer honestly. We take intentional time every week to process what’s on their hearts, what’s happening in their lives and in the world.
We believe the gift of family is having a sacred space to safely navigate all of life together in.