
I use to get massively stressed out before an event, trip or hosting.

It wasn’t my intention, but it was my pattern.

It affected Bobby and the kids and always tainted the experience.

Can you relate?

Years ago I decided enough was enough and I had to practice a new way of being, before doing.

I often find my way by observing and owning the parts of my life that are less than I want them to be.

I started planning and packing way in advance, and carved out much time rest and play leading up to the trip or event.

It felt counterproductive at first, things are not as perfect, my house not as clean, and I often forget small details or things.

Yet at the same time, I am relaxed, present and experience so much more flow and enjoyment, and so do the ones around me.

I now live this way. Balancing my work and doing with that much more rest and being.

Today my clients and friends are flying and driving in for my retreat.

Instead of obsessing over the do list, I’ve learned to delegate, do little bits of tasks, mixed in with massive amounts of filling up my own cup.

This week Ive been resting, playing and being in my pleasure to the point of overflowing.

I feel full, refreshed and ready to pour out.