
For as long as I can remember I have been breaking the rules and questioning the “systems.” I was labeled rebellious and shamed to believe something was wrong with me.

I did my best to obey and trust authorities, but it never worked for long, because here is the thing.
I wasn’t made to fit in any box.
I wasn’t created to follow a system.
I wasn’t designed to conform or make other people feel safe.
And neither are you.

We were all created to be free.
To be awake.
To be wild.
To be untamed.
To be fully alive.

My rebellion did not lead astray but right back to my authentic divine design.
To live in freedom.
To trust my intuition.
Living this way is powerful.
It has a never ending ripple effect on others, in our society, and on our planet.
We are raising our kids to pursue freedom at all costs, even when that means questioning authority and breaking the rules.