The Gap in your Life
It was the gap, the distance between where I was and where I wanted to be, that caused me to co-create the life I have today.
Not wanting to live my life in suburbia is why I moved out west at 18.
Being constantly sick and in pain led me to pursue healing and wholeness.
Living in financial lack is what fueled me to create massive financial abundance.
Not experiencing the beauty I craved in relationship is what caused me to pursue learning to love passionately.
Being told I could never have children naturally motivated me to have three natural pregnancies and deliveries.
Experiencing discontent within taught me to cultivate my energy and mind-body spirit connection.
Settling for mediocrity and feeling the restlessness of knowing there is so much more is what gave me the courage to go after extraordinary.
Seeing the fruit in the average American's life is what makes me choose to raise our children so differently.
The dullness of going through the motions and being busy has taught me to live massive intentionality.
The heartbreak I feel about so much that is happening in the world is why I choose to help others find a better way.
The gap in our lives is what paralyzes or propels us.
What are you doing with yours?