The real thing

I'm so grateful neither of us ever got into porn.

As much as we celebrate and enjoy our sexuality, we both have only ever wanted the real thing.

That being said, we understand why the addiction is as prevalent as it is.

When you grow up in a culture or religion that shames and suppresses our natural design, it's easy to see how our holy desires and innate curiosity can lead down this destructive path.

The problem is the shame doesn't end here.

I know too many couples who are still dealing with the consequences of porn many years later.

They struggle to experience the depths of pleasure, freedom and intimacy they long to enjoy together.

Many of these good people who struggle, or used to struggle with watching porn, would never condone child abuse. Yet we know porn hub is in direct relationship with the sex trafficking industry and the elite pedophile ring that has recently come to light.

As much as I hate talking about all this, and know it will offend many, I feel I must.

We must understand how deep the consequences of our choices go.

This includes how we will vote.

Many of the candidates have deep involvement and connections supporting this industry.

Question the silence.

If you are struggling with porn, please hear me — your desires for wild, free, unashamed sex, kink, and uninhabited pleasure are not dirty or wrong.

Yet this industry is.

Taking advantage of innocent, non-consenting children is the epitome of evil.

Set them free by setting yourself free.

Your future self and our future world thank you.

Bobby Fano