Trust the Longing

When I called off my engagement with my x finance, I broke his heart and mine.

It shattered both our worlds as we knew them.

It felt like going through a divorce as we had a home, dogs and a business together.

I had no idea if I had made the right decision.

He was such a great guy and I loved him dearly.

We had such a beautiful relationship on many levels.

But there was a yearning in my heart.

A longing for something deeper.

A desire to know and feel a love that I had not yet experienced.

A belief that there could be more.

A vision for so much more.

I risked everything.

I lost a lot.

My reputation and many friends in the process.

The pain was excruciating.

I doubted my decision many times.

I was very alone.

I found myself in yet another dark time.

I look back now and am so incredibly grateful and proud of my courage.

Not only did I do the right thing for my life, but also for his.

If I hadn’t been willing to trust my heart and endure the pain, I would never know the glorious love and life I have today.

Whatever it is you long for -trust it.

The yearnings are there to lead us into the light.

To direct us to the life we are meant to lead.

To give us to the depth of love we are made from.