We Are All Artists

Years ago I went to my first creative group, where I asked to do art as an adult.

It had been awhile since I created this way I was a bit uncomfortable.

My discomfort lied in not knowing what to do or what the outcome would be.

I was yet to live in the freedom of play for the sake of playing.

Creating for the sake of creating.

I didn’t understand the energy release that could happen through art.

Because I didn’t yet understand energy.

I watched as my daughter intuitively created daily.

I watched and learned as she created without rules or an agenda.

Without being attached to any outcome.

I witnessed her process stuck emotions through art.

I witnessed her creative flow increasing the more she explored.

The more she played for the sake of playing.

I learned as I watched her day after day trust her intuition, desire and creativity this way.

So I began to scribble.

I began to write.

And started throwing paint.

And I loved the way it all felt.

I remembered the child in me who knew she was an artist.

I grew more and more curious about alchemy, creation, energy and the process of embodiment.

You see we are all artists.

With different passions, skills and mediums.

But we must be willing to begin.

We must be willing to get vulnerable.

Willing to make a mess.

Willing to create something that may feel like nothing.

Willing to trust the process.

Willing to bring our art into the world.

Willing to share our hearts with the world.