What are you choosing?

A year ago today we were driving across the country, to start our new chapter here.

Honestly, we had no idea what it was going to look like, we were just following our faith.

And maybe if we would have known some of the challenges that we were going to face we would have stayed put, aka stayed the same.

But we’ve been here before, jumping into the unknown and facing the all giants in our subconscious along the way.

And when I look back at every one of those seasons I’m so grateful for who we became through them.

I'm so glad we said yes.

I have no regrets.

Because there is no arriving.

No destination to land at.

The journey is all we have.

So I ask myself is it worth it to love with all my heart knowing there will be enviable pain?

Is it worth it to have children and raise them intentionally, knowing the sacrifice it will take?

Is it worth it to go after the dreams in your heart even if they don’t work out the way you hoped?

For many, the answer is no.

They choose to play it safe.

Whether conscious or unconscious most people stay the same.

Not risking the vulnerability, hurt, or perceived failure.

But for me, the answer is yes.

It’s always worth it.

This is my one precious life.

I choose to play full out.

To know ALL the love, abundance, beauty, and adventure I can in this dance around the sun.

Today I am at school being massively stretched again.

The beginning of another new chapter.

No idea where it will take me.

Not attached to an outcome.

But trusting the prompting.

And who I am becoming in the process.

Bobby Fano