What Do You Value Most?

How do you go from stuck and unsatisfied to living your best life? I believe it begins with living in alignment with your core values and beliefs. Have you ever taken the time to hone in on what those are for you? Most people have no idea or they change but their lives do not reflect their internal design and value system. 

If you look back at your life and what has guides the decisions you make you will often find a clue. For me, love, freedom, and health are my top three core values. Everything I do each day must line up with these or else I’m not living congruent to my authentic self and deepest desires and needs. 

I fill my life with special intentional time with my loves consistently. The deep value for freedom is why I crave adventure and travel, and my value for health is why I have created a lifestyle filled with healthy habits and rituals. If my highest values were certainty, acceptance, or achievement - I would live my life very differently. There are no right or wrong answers for this. We are all made so perfectly unique. If you do not know what values are driving your decisions it’s such a powerful discovery. Where you spend your money and time is a great indicator on what you value most, or at least it should be! If you don’t know where to begin or want help designing a life that's in alignment with your authentic design, I would love to help you! 
