Conflict & Connection

Yesterday I had the privilege to coach a married couple together. We talked about their differences, dreams, desires and needs.

When you are dating their is this intentional pursuit of getting to know your partner, celebrating your differences, growing your connection, and fulfilling the desires and needs in your partners heart.

Often after many years and raising children together, intentionality in the relationship becomes less of a priority and disconnection grows. It becomes easier to fall into resentment and forget what a gift and strength our differences are. The focus often becomes hurt and disappointment instead.

Under every conflict is a belief, a story and often a longing or a dream. What could change if we looked at conflict as an opportunity to greater discover the other? An opportunity to connect more deeply, more vulnerably, more intimately.

Relationships are our greatest lessons in love. Everyone invites us into a deeper understanding ourselves, into greater healing, and growth in our ability to experience real intimacy and authentic connection. They longer your together the richer this gift and experience can be.

Yet just like when you first met intentionality is still everything.