Is Passion a Priority?

I get a ton of messages about sex. Genuine questions like how we make time for so much of it with kids, owning our own businesses, travel, life etc. Its a real thing that most want more intimacy in their life than they currently have. I get that because we were there once too. This is why we’ve become so intentional about physically connecting everyday. Bobby has always said, you can have anything you want but not everything, meaning what is most important to you, you will make a way to have or do.

Our relationship is our top priority and there’s nothing we love more than being deeply connected body soul and spirit, so we make time for that everyday in some way. Some days we only have a few minutes, other days we have hours. The cool thing is the closer we get the more our bodies are in sync, so even if we only have a short time we can harmonize very quickly.

It’s incredible how much pleasure, connection and intimacy will deepen the more you make space for it to. Intentionally is key in everything.