Fear Is a Thief

How often do you let fear hold you back? Fear of the unknown? Fear of failure? Fear of flying? Fear of catching a virus? Fear of sharks? Fear of getting hurt? Fear of being vulnerable, fully seen, fully know? Fear of rejection? Fear of love?

I don’t know what your fear stories are but we all have them. They are usually engrained in us from childhood. Here’s the thing. Our fears are not coincidental. Nothing is. Our fears are the invitations to places we are meant to see in ourselves, the places we are meant to discover, the healings we need, the experiences we are meant to have, the people we are meant to love.

When we live in denial or let fear cripple us we cut of our connection to life itself, to love, to God.
When we move in the direction of the very things we are afraid of we open ourselves up to receive more life, more love, more God.

We get to make the choices that create ourselves and our lives everyday.

Will you listen to the voice of your past? Or to the media and the mass programming of society? Or will choose to listen to the still small voice, kindly inviting you into the more you’ve asked for.

The more, the freedom, the dreams, the next best version of yourself are always on the other side of your fears.