Live Outside of Boxes
People often say things like it’s so hard traveling with kids, so expensive, exhausting, and not worth it because they are too young and won’t remember it anyway. It’s no surprise that is the experience they have when they travel with their kids. They have already made up their minds so they create it in their circumstances.
Our experience is different. The more we travel with our kids the better it gets. They just took their longest flight of their lives with no complaints, in fact they never been more grateful for any other trip.
The more we take them out of everyday normalcy, things, tasks, cars, school, etc the cooler they get. The more adventuring and experiencing they do with us, the more aware they become, the smarter they become, the more connected they become, the more alive and free the become.
Sure there is a sacrifice, but we are transcending the boxes of normalcy, conformity, complacency and mediocrity and there is no price tag in the world you can put on that. It is worth every bit of the investment, time, energy and money.
Not only do our kids grow and change each time, but so do we.