Get Uncomfortable
How often do you intentionally get uncomfortable? How often do you hang out with people who are very different than you, who have very different beliefs and views? How often do you expose yourself to things that stretch you internally? How often do you do things that stretch you externally?
People often think they are “playing it safe” by staying in their comfort zones of people, places, and activities. The problem with this mentality is it doesn’t work. It doesn’t keep you safe or comfortable for long. When you are not regularly expanding you are actually slowly dieing. When your not exposing yourself to new things and forming new beliefs your brain begins to shrink.
New experiences are what keep our bodies & brains healthy and alive. We were created to change, grow, evolve and expand.
Last year I challenged myself to do one new thing a day or one thing in a new way, each day. It was incredible experience and I am going to continue to challenge myself in this way.
Who wants to join me? If you do, I encourage you you to keep a journal. Write out what you did and your experiences. Please share with me too, I’d love to hear! The process will be transformative, I promise.