Learning to Surf

Surfing is my new favorite metaphor for life. You prepare your mind and body, and you show up. You commit. You know your desired outcome but you don’t know how it will go getting there. You leave your comfort zone. You wait. You learn to surrender to the weather and the waves, to the force much bigger than yourself.

You learn to let go of all fear. You wait some more. The silence and stillness on the water waiting is the most powerful meditation. It’s what prepares you to ride. You must be connected to your breath or you will lose your balance.

You must keep your eyes focused on the waves or you won’t know the timing. If you go to soon you get knocked down. If you wait to long you miss it all together. When everything is in alignment the magic happens. Its invigorating and intoxicating. You become one with the power of nature, and simultaneously embody that power within.