I Remember the Days When...

I was up extra early this am sitting in gratitude and reflection. I remember the days I hated my life and wanted to die. I remember the days I felt so alone and seen and known by no one. I remember the days of being poor and broke in spirit and in my circumstances. I remember all the horrible things I said to myself and did to my body because I simply didn’t know or care.

Sometimes I pinch myself because I’m overwhelmed with thankfulness for what my life is now. I wake up early every day with excitement and overflowing in bliss. I’m in love with God, myself, my family, and our life. I’m abundant in love, joy, peace, health, wealth, and freedom.

I share this and my life openly to encourage and inspire you. You too are a Divine child of God filled infinite potential to be and have everything you’ve ever dreamed of and so much more. The first step is simply to believe that.