Go after love

Go after a life of love as if your life depended on it because it does.

I just finished teaching and sharing with the beautiful women in my circle about my favorite part of my life thus far.


Learning to open, allow, receive, embody, give and enjoy love has been the most profound journey and extraordinary gift of my life.

It is my why.

My reason.

It has always been my biggest dream and greatest intention.

And because of that I have been met repeatedly with invitations and opportunities to break down my barriers to it.

Learning to meet myself at the depth I longed to be met at.

Learning to become the lover, Mother, wife and woman I knew I could be.

Learning to break out of my own patterns of resistance and holding back.

Learning to let love penetrate the places where the pain has been.

Learning to let love heal me.

Learning to let love meet, teach and undue me over and over again.

Learning to let love set me free so I can be all the love I came here to be.

Bobby Fano