The gift of living present

I wrote in my journal last week that I wanted to get lost in the forest, breathe in the mountain air, and soak up the fall colors.

We didn’t have any plans to travel then because we had just come home from Mexico.

I have been practicing being content where I am, even when it feels different from where I want to be.

But that’s the funny thing about surrender; when we let go-it opens us up to receive.

And last week, when I heard the whisper to go to Colorado tomorrow, it didn’t make any sense on paper.

But here’s the thing about following intuition -it usually doesn’t make logical sense at the moment.

Yet our time in Colorado was such an unexpected gift for all five of us on so many levels.

Now we’re back home in Tahoe, soaking up the magic of the season here.

When we travel, it’s not just our bodies that are changing locations, but it’s fresh energy, perspective and downloads for our spirits.

I can’t always explain it, but I never retrun the same.

And I’ve never followed my intuition and taken a trip I’ve regretted.

Every time I go-there is a significant shift and upgrade.

The beauty of being present is we can hear, feel and access the deeper wisdom and guidance inside.

It’s never yelling at us-it’s gently nudging us through the voice of peace and desire.

Sometimes our need to plan and know what to expect or what’s coming next is a form of control.

And we can’t receive from that place.

The magic that comes from living in flow is like spontaneous, passionate lovemaking.

Nothing quite compares.

The awe and wonder of being alive are only experienced when we’re in our bodies, living from the heart-not stuck in our heads.

Trust your desires, and learn to let go of the attachment to how it will play out.

As you do, it will all come to you in delicious and unexpected ways.

Bobby Fano