It’s Easier

It is easier to give up when it gets hard.

It’s easier to quit the relationship than to fight for it.

It is easier to live on the surface than face the depths.

It is easier to stay distracted than to be present.

It is easier to keep your vices rather than heal your addictions.

It is easier to gain weight than to get fit.

It’s easier to spend money than to save it.

It is easier to let the system educate your kids than to do it yourself.

It is easier to let the church be your spirituality than to live it all week.

It is easier to let the doctor tell you what to do, than to do the research yourself.

It is easier to go along with the crowd than to stand up and do what’s right.

It is easier to comply.

It’s easier to stay silent.

It is easier to give in.

We are handed these choices every moment of everyday.

Who you are and will become is found in the decisions you make.

Bobby Fano