Live Your Worship

Years ago God told me it was time for me to learn true worship.

Not worship that looked like anyone else’s.

Not worship that was confined to a building, a group, a religion, a practice or an organization.

I was grateful for this, as I had been praying and desiring for more for so long.

It also freighted me as I didn’t know what the process or journey would look like.

But what I discovered was the journey was a returning to my heart.

To my desires.

To my authentic self.

What I learned is that to really embody worship it must become my lifestyle.

The line between sacred and secular had to fall away.

And I began to experience God everywhere, in everything, in so many a new ways.

The fear was there in the beginning because of my lack of experience and understanding.

That fear has long gone away and now I’m living in the bliss of freedom of unending love in its place.