There Is No Junior Spirit
Over the last few years this prince has fallen in love with meditation.
He gets up on his own finds his spot, closes his eyes and begins to just be, to breath, and receive.
He often ends in prayer, sometimes under his breath, sometimes out loud.
I adore getting to hear glimpses of what flows from his beautiful time of connection.
I hear him giving thanks, asking for forgiveness, praying for others, praying for our country, and our government.
I see him smiling connecting to his higher self, knowing he is Divine, guided, protected, and loved.
Then I whiteness him getting up, stepping into a higher version of himself.
He embodies extreme gratitude and out of that overflow he begins looking to serve and support those around him.
That’s just the glorious sum of it my friends.
When we go within we connect to the truth of who we are, so we can live that truth out.