Sacred Circles

When the kids were little we created a tradition of having a weekly family meeting.

It’s morphed and evolved over time and we now call it our family circle.

It’s a sacred time we set apart each week to hear from one another.

We create a safe space for each of us to share deeply and authentically without interruption.

We process what is on our hearts, our highs and lows from the week, any hurts or issues we need to work through.

We ask for, and offer forgiveness to one another.

We give each other our full presence to feel heard, seen and supported by one another.

There are often tears, deep revelations, lots of laughter, hugs and fresh tenderness.

It creates a beautiful atmosphere of connection and togetherness.

If you don’t have something similar in motion for your family, I greatly encourage you too.

It provides a model for your kids to experience the importance of authentic expression in a safe space.

It encourages them to honor their emotions, use their voice and speak their truth.

It helps everyone to be on the same page.

It creates a deep bond and trust as a family unit.

If you don’t have children this is an equally powerful practice as a couple.

I’m always left in awe of how incredible my people are and full of gratitude for the way we continue to grow and evolve together.