Mom Boundaries
Last night I shared on my stories how I sign off from parenting at 8pm. I received a lot of questions about it, so let’s talk about how we create sacred space for ourselves as mothers and boundaries in our own home.
Im an early to bed and early riser, and for years I have been getting up a couple hours before my kids.
I learned early on that if I don’t fill my own cup first I am quick to burn out at both ends.
Ive created a scared space for myself in the mornings so I’m full and ready for my babes when they wake.
If they wake up before my time is over, they can come get a snuggle but they know to interrupt me, or start talking as they are old enough now to appreciate and respect my time, and in the last couple years have started creating their own morning routines.
Around 8pm most nights I sign off, unless we have something special going on that’s my time again.
They know to head to their rooms and are free to read or journal and have their own winding down time at night too.
These boundaries give me time to care for myself each day and intentional connection time with Bobby.
When the kids were younger we started at 7pm.
Sleep has always been a priority in our home and I believe that is a big part of why our kids are well behaved and stay so healthy too.
If your a single mom, or now a homeschool/virtual school mom I really encourage you to create this time for yourself.
Your children will adjust, respect you more, and learn to honor their bodies and rest that much more too.
If your married this time is critical to stay connected.
We turn off our phones, leave them in the other room and are just present with one another.
When we wake up we avoid turning our phones on for at least the first hour.
Creating intentional time each day to connect mind body spirit with yourself and with your lover will be a game changer. I promise you!