Momentum is such a powerful thing. 🤍
I just got off the phone with a precious client I’ve worked with over the last couple of years, first on herself, then in her marriage, and now she’s launching her first business. And she’s doing it from the overflow of who she is and what she’s cultivated. 🔑
Her health, her heart, and home are thriving. Now, she’s ready to bring her passion into the world and serve others with it. And not because she has to but because she wants to. It’s an authentic expression of who she is. Although the business isn’t “officially” launched just yet, she has people coming to her and wanting to work with her. 🫶🏻
I sent out an email this am with another cool story (If you are not on my email list-you need to be :) about a couple who hired us to help them with one area specifically in their marriage and now they are blown away how that specific area has overflown into their work and parenting. So much so that their kids are like what’s happened to you too. 😉😍
Because it’s ALL energy. ✨
And when our hearts are on fire -our lives will be too. 🫀