Reinventing Ourselves

One of our greatest strengths as a couple is our ability to reinvent ourselves.

We’ve been together since we were in our early 20s so we’ve grown up, healed, matured, and evolved so much in our journey.

Add on three kids, and being entrepreneurs, and navigating all the dynamics that come with it-has required us to stay both intentional and agile.

Our ability to begin again-whether it’s just navigating a relational dynamic that’s no longer working or a big life change this practice has kept us growing as individuals and together.

Next week in our couples group we’re sharing our process on how we navigate these moments and transitions in our relationship and life.

From how we know it’s time to pivot-to how we shed the old, create a vision for the new and then step into it.

And fall in love with each other and our lives all over again in the process. ✨

Bobby Fano