Navigating the heaviness
There are so many heartbreaking things happening in the world right now.
So much is out of control and out of our control.
Many of us are feeling this deeply, children included.
It’s important to be sensitive to those around us.
And to focus on what we can control.
Our energy. What we are taking in and what we are putting out.
If your not already take regular breaks from social media, and turn off the TV.
Ground. Get outside. Nature reminds us of God's sovereignty and our eternal nature.
Focus on embodying what we want to see in the world in our own lives.
Peace, love, forgiveness, unity, compassion, order.
You fill in the blank.
Cultivate the environment in our homes to become our sanctuary.
This is a time to get organized, to clean, and to cleanse body mind, and spirit.
Spend intentional time alone each day.
Pray for the world and ask for specific guidance on what you should do for those who are suffering and for your own life.
There is no greater time to get our hearts in alignment and our homes in order.
Let the anxiety, pain or fear you feel fuel your intentionality for how you show up each day.
Savor each moment of this fragile and precious life.