Why our dreams come true

Every dream I’ve ever had has come true.

We have the marriage I dreamed of having.

We have the kids and the family I dreamed of having.

We have the health, energy, and vitality I dreamed of having.

We have the finances I dreamed of having.

We have the freedom, friendships and lifestyle I dreamed of having.

We have the all love, depth, fun, and fulfillment I have ever dreamed of having.

Of course, we are dreaming new things now that we are actively working towards every day.

But I will tell you something super important I’ve learned in this journey of manifesting all my dreams.

When we get what you want -it’s bliss it truly is, but not because we got it…

But because of who we became in the process.

That is where the real good stuff is.

If you’re working towards manifesting a dream, fall in love with the journey of becoming.

Then you will never find yourself striving to have or get but rather attracting everything you’ve set out in your heart to experience because of who you are.

When the love of your life appears, your healing happens, the million dollars manifests, or whatever it is, you will be able to freely enjoy it without any unhealthy ego attachment to it.

And that my friends is true freedom.

It’s never about the thing.

It’s always about the becoming.

I'm not here to brag but to inspire you in whats possible.

To encourage and offer you the wisdom I've learned along the way.

If you want support in living out your dream life and love story reach out.

Bobby Fano