I have a day date with the kids each week. Yesterday was Dakota’s day. We took books and blanket and headed to our favorite trail. When we arrived there was a new sign on the trail head saying if we accessed it we would be violating California law.
We kept walking. We had the intention to lay in the sun, snuggle and read but the sign stirred us both and she began asking me ALL of the questions.
The good ones. The real ones. The hard ones.
We processed through another layer together.
We embraced the frustration and the sadness, we let the tears come. We held one another.
Then when we were ready, after we felt the release and the shift we began to envision our future together. A rich, sweet, beautiful free one, better than the best days in our past.
We let our emotion alchemize.
We let it become our fuel to create. It’s not by ignoring how we feel or what’s happening in the world right now that we will grow.
Rather it’s by our awareness of it all.
Our children need the tools to process their emotions as much as we do. Parents it’s our job to hold space for this regularly. To give them our full presence in their process. They need this always but especially now. Their spirits feel just as ours do. If you don’t want them to hold trauma in their being we must teach them how to release it. If not it acts as any other toxin will and turn into physical symptoms and disease.
Let them be acknowledged. Let them be seen. Let them feel. Let them ask the questions. Let them hear the answers. Let them find their voice. Let them find their truth.
This is how we empower them for life. This is how ensure their freedom.