
Traveling and exploring new places is my jam. Learning new things and having new experiences is what I crave. Sharing my heart and inspiration with others is what I live for. Growing in love, wisdom, beauty, freedom, and truth is what I am made for.

Last night laying under the full moon I realized I’m still doing all of these very things.
I’ve traveled to places inside I never knew existed. I’ve gone to depths during this time I have never touched before. I’m learning so many new things and having a completely new experience of life daily.
I’m sharing my heart and journey with my loved ones and clients and giving my truths and inspiration away.
Sure my plans have all changed but my deepest longings and desires are still manifesting.

I wanted more and I’m getting it.
I want more growth and it’s happening.
I want more depth and here I am.
I want more connection and I have it.
I want more freedom and it’s mine.

It’s all coming in greater measures and brand new ways. Not from out there in the world or in my usual circumstances but from in here, from exploring brand new territory within.