Real love looks like….

A client asked me if I believed love was enough a make relationship work.

Here is what I told her:

The word love is way overused.

And what we say doesn’t define us.

What we do does.

And we believe that real love looks like something.

It looks like being willing to humble ourselves, take responsibility, heal, learn, and grow for the sake of the relationship.

It looks like going there even when you don’t feel like it.

It looks like practicing forgiveness.

It looks like allowing our conflict to bring us closer.

It looks like using our pain to propel us into new patterns.

It looks like showing up again every day in mercy and grace.

Real love seeks to give more than to get.

It seeks to see and believe the best.

It doesn’t give up.

It deepens over time.

It’s not perfect, but it’s committed to the journey and process.

Bobby Fano