We look how we feel
I have gray hairs, wrinkles, sunspots, loose skin, varicose veins, and, and, and…
I am more radiant, sexy, and beautiful than I’ve ever been.
I know it because I feel it.
And the world reflects that back to me.
While culture wants us to believe that bigger, fuller, plumper, younger, and faker is prettier, when I look at a woman rocking her age and natural beauty I smile.
I’m organically drawn to her.
She hasn’t bought the lie and there is something about her energy that is pure, and genuine, which is so magnetic to me.
Let’s embrace our authenticity in every area and model this for our daughters.
In doing so we will save them from so much of the emotional, and physical turmoil this toxicity and conditioning brings.
Let’s celebrate growing older and all that comes with it.
The confidence that comes from knowing who you are and owning it authentically and unapologetically is the definition of sexy in my book.
And delighting in yourself in all your forms, shapes, seasons and expressions is what makes you the most beautiful.
Because we will always look the way we feel.