The healthiest people I know
The healthiest people I know…
Are the most connected to nature.
They spend the majority of their time outdoors.
They don’t live on their phones, social media or watch much tv.
They eat real food.
They take regular time to be alone.
To self-reflect.
To know God.
They are rooted in their morals and values.
They do not follow in the footsteps of society.
Their circles are small but run deep.
Their relationships inspire, uplift and encourage them.
They invest in their physical, emotional, and relational health.
They care for their bodies from a place of delight, not deprivation.
They are conscious of how their choices affect the whole.
They can feel and express the full spectrum of emotions.
And they choose to shift their perspective to return to a place of love and gratitude again and again.
They are energy givers not takers.
They live with passion.
They are connected to their purpose.
What else would you add?