Self Sabotage

What stops you from moving forward? For most of us it’s fear. We have subconscious patterns of self sabotage on repeat, with fear at the root. Fear of failure, fear or rejection, success, the unknown. The list goes on and on. But how good does it feel when your no longer bound by the fear but you look it in the face and do the thing anyway.

A year ago I would never have dreamed of recording a live 12 month series of me pouring my heart out on video, and it selling it out before it launched. I would have simply said no way. But here I am today, overwhelmed with gratitude at the grace and the growth that has occurred in my life in the last 12 months. I simply said yes to committing to becoming my best self.

Tiny scary baby steps in faith and a ton of intentional action, saying yes over and over again, and here I am. Not in perfection, but in massive progress.