Sex and Green Juice
Yesterday I shared on my stories my New Years' intentions that I set back in 2016. They were to drink green juice and have sex every day.
I felt intuitively like they were both something my body and spirit really needed, so I made it a fun goal and shared it here in this space.
I had no idea at the time how much life that little intentionality would bring. From the fun and sexiness of the challenge, to the increased closeness and connection, to the daily anticipation of blissful pleasure - that year was the best by far in every way that we had ever experienced!
The synchronicity and intentionality in this area and our marriage, in general, have only increased since. I'm so grateful I followed my desire, listened to the little nudge, and shared openly about it. I have had countless questions about this topic, and so many couples thank me for the inspiration over the last four years.
The ripple effect is what living out loud is all about.
PS: The green juice also proved to be very beneficial too. My body has stayed so alkaline that I haven’t been sick once since.
Feeling inspired to add a little bit more goodness in each day? Follow your intuitive promptings and will never regret it. Just remember whenever you set an intention or a goal remember it’s about progress, not perfection.
The gift comes in the growth.