Vision. Where does it comes from and how do you get it?
I start by looking out into my future. Who do I want to be?
Where do I want to be?
Who am I with?
What am I doing?
How do I feel?
Then I begin to work backwards. What am I doing today to align with that vision for tomorrow?
How am I investing in that future version of myself?
I take my clients through the same process. Together we begin to align their actions and design their lives according to their vision.
Often in the beginning many feel stuck, not knowing where they want to be in 20 years. They answer with things like “I should, I could, or if and when.” Creating from this place doesn’t work. Your vision must be rooted in authentic desires, and faith.
What you think you should do, or where you should be, or how you should feel has nothing to do with the authentic values and unique desires deep within you.
It has everything to do with the mass programming of your upbringing family, community, and society.
If you want to be your best self and live your best life, you must first be willing to get really honest with yourself. You must be willing to acknowledge what it is you really want. You must be unapologetic about how you want to feel.
You must be willing to honor your desires as the holy keys on your treasure map of life, that they are.
Only then will you find the unending fulfillment this life can bring and begin to live out your dreams.