What are you going through?
The most challenging things you go through can become the best things that ever happen to you.
There is potential in our pain to become the catalyst for the most incredible transformation and growth in our lives.
It’s a choice we make internally when we face adversity, challenges, and storms of life.
How am I going to respond to this?
How am I going to show up in this?
What is the gift in this?
We can’t control much in life, but we can always control our perspective and mindset about the things happening.
I don’t always do this right away. I get disappointed, frustrated, upset, angry or complain, etc.
I let myself feel and acknowledge and be with whatever emotions are arising.
Then I ask myself, ok, now what?
How do I want to feel?
What meaning am I going to attach to this?
Who do I want to become because
of it?
In marriage, business, parenting, really in every of life, the ability to reinvent ourselves from the inside out is what keeps us in the game.