What did you need as a teenager?
I had a lot of apprehension about the teen years.
Mine were a nightmare for both myself and my parents.
But one of the things life has taught me, is that our pain can become a powerful fuel for building our future.
And we are using “what we do not want” to experience to consciously create what we do.
Just like we have in our marriage and health and finances we are letting the learnings from the hard things guide our process and decision-making.
What did we need most at their age?
What would have been supportive when we were going through the inevitable things teens do?
It’s not always easy or pretty and it's mentally and emotionally taxing in a way no other parenting season has been.
But every night we come together and we listen as they process through the details of their day, decisions, and relationships.
And although we are often holding our eyes open because they are much more night owls than we are, we are for it.
Our late-night conversations around the fire or in our beds have become one of my favorite things about this season.
And one thing I do know is quality over quantity at this age is key.
They have their own lives and friends and schedules as they should, so making the time for intentional connection and conversation is huge.
We do this individually each week as well as a family almost daily.
And I can honestly say that even with the eye rolls, emotional meltdowns, and stealing clothes from my closet it’s my favorite season in parenting yet.
And while we don’t always agree with all their choices, ultimately that’s not our goal.
The learning from their own life, growing in wisdom, discernment and love is.
Staying connected to their hearts has always been our priority.
And we endlessly proud of who they are becoming and adore how close we are.
They say toddlers and teens are the worst part of parenting.
But you get to determine what your experience will be.