What’s Your Story?

Do you ever look back at the timeline of your life to see how much you have grown?

It’s truly amazing to remember where we began, the things we’ve been through, and all that we overcame.

It’s inspiring to connect the dots, the moments, and all the synchronicities that led us to right where we are today.

Nothing was wasted, nothing happen chance.

It all worked together for our good, for the highest and best of all.

It all served a multi faceted purpose.

No coincidences. It was all connected.

I encourage my clients to do this.

To get creative and write or draw out a timeline that they can look back on.

Mine lives in my journal where I can see and reflect on it as often as I like.

It is a humble reminder that my life is my responsibility, my circumstances a reflection of my current inner reality.

It also leaves me in awe, witnessing the Divine hand of God in everything.

Our pasts are not meant to be forgotten or ignored.

Our past, our stories, our desires and dreams are all a road map pointing us to our true north.