Raising Healthy Kids

One of the questions I get every Halloween (since we’ve started celebrating) is do we trick or treat and let our kids eat the candy?

The answer is yes and no.

Our kids have and can go trick or treating if they like, but no we do not eat candy.

We’ve been blessed with great neighbors the last few years who know and respect how we eat and have given our kids fun alternatives.

We don’t deprive them sweets or treats, we just do so in moderation and with real ingredients.

We’ve never intentionally put chemicals, drugs or any other harmful ingredients in our children’s bodies and never plan to.

They have all snuck candy at different times in their life and become keenly aware of how it made them act and feel.

From those experiences they have chosen to align with our values on it.

Refined sugar is a highly addictive destructive and classified as a drug.

If your a parent looking for a better way, I want to encourage you.

There is always a good fun, cleaner alternative.

We made delicious clean “candy like” treats yesterday with that were the hit of the party. (See my stories)

Your children may not love the change at first but later they will thank you for it.

I can testify that the fruit of living organically is truly incredible.

Our kids don’t get sick, don’t ever need to go to the doctor and have never had behavioral or sleep issues.

It’s never too late to begin and everyday offers a fresh start to create new habits that serve the future you want to have.

The greatest wealth is truly our health and it starts with our stewarding our temples, and our energy.