Keeping it real

Let’s chat about the election for a second, but only for a second...I promise.

People are really freaking out.

On both sides.

There is so much fear.

It’s interesting to observe really.

I get it, there’s a LOT at stake here.

I get that our country is going to go in one direction or another.

I too am passionate about this.

I do not love where we are and I do not love many of the decisions and philosophy of our current leadership, or the proposed new ones.

We’re in a sticky spot.

We must vote according to the policies we align most with.

We must vote congruent with our values rather than the party that’s most popular, or personality we most like.

Yet no matter who wins and where we go as a country, guess what?

We’re going to be ok.

You know why?

Because the Universe is more powerful than any party or dictatorship.

There is a sovereignty at work, that is so much larger than our little ballots or mindsets.

We’ve survived brutal times before, and we’ve only become better for it.

But if you don’t believe this, then you are kinda screwed if your chosen person doesn’t win.

I encourage you today to rest in trust in the Divinity that gave you breath.

That sustains your life.

To focus on that.

To feel your being with gratitude, and faith.

For love.

For Divine protection and guidance.

For true freedom, that is only found within.