You create your reality.
We are living in a different reality.
One where we show our smiles everywhere we go.
Often the only ones in the crowd doing so.
Last night we went out to dinner, the kind where the tables are all a foot a part from each other, and you can hear everything being said-whether you want to or not.
The table on our right was a couple. She was trying to convince him why he should get the jab. Explaining how all her side effects were not that bad.
He was not convinced.
The table to the left were sisters discussing what they would do for Christmas since their relatives would not have them if they were not fully vaccinated.
The table behind us was a family. They kept their masks on the whole dinner, only removing to take a sip of water or a bite.
Multiple realities playing out simultaneously.
There are many layers to this, and none of us are separate.
But if your not participating in this particular simulation, I will say this.
Now more than ever it’s imperative to create your happy on the inside.
With things changing rapidly and so many realities colliding, it’s crucial to be connected to your own inner sanctuary.
Find your fulfillment and joy within.
As much as I hate the corruption and separation this is causing, I also see what’s happening as a massive gift.
There is an opportunity for worldwide awakening and healing collectively.
We’ve been disconnected from ourselves, and conditioned for so long to live from the outside-in.
This shift is forcing many, especially the ones who are refusing to participate to slow way down and go within.
To make changes in their lifestyles, and get to back to the basics.
To cultivate connection and create their best self and lives from the inside-out.
I know for us, we are finding more pleasure and delight in the simple things, and more richness and alignment in community.
I know it’s easy to get distracted and discouraged right now, but for those of us who trust God, the Universe, and the greater plan, we most rise in the midst of the chaos.
Choose to find the beauty and gifts in this by creating them.
You determine the reality you live in, my friends.